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Adding wired sensors to Pyronix Enforcer Wireless Intruder Alarm Kit (ENF/KIT3-UK)

Asked 5 years ago in Intruder Alarms by Anonymous | 1 Answer

I need a total of 7 motion sensors in my system if I buy the Pyronix Enforcer Wireless Intruder Alarm Kit (ENF/KIT3-UK)

Is it possible to add in 3 wired sensors or do I need an additional module?

And if its possible is it something simple to do?

1 Answer

Answered 5 years ago by Paul
The Enforcer panel has two Double End Of Line wired inputs only. In order to expand this, you will require the Zem8 wired expander which can be found here This will need to be wired to the panel on the RS485 Bus and your detectors wired to the expander. I would say if you are not familiar with the configuration of the Enforcer, this may require the assistance of a qualified installer. Alternatively you could just replace the three wired detectors with wireless to keep things simple.

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